Performance Anxiety: Not Just for Students
In this opinion piece for The Clarinet (Online), Dr. Doyle shares her thoughts on performance anxiety’s prevalence amongst musicians, including professionals, as well as some tips for mitigating its effects.
“Breaking the Glass Clarinet” Article
In this article, published in The Clarinet magazine, Alexandra Doyle summarizes her findings from interviews with Joan Tower and Libby Larsen on their pieces for clarinet and their experiences as women composers in the United States.
“Breaking the Glass Clarinet” Recital
In this lecture recital, Alexandra Doyle presents findings from interviews with Joan Tower and Libby Larsen, with whom she discussed their experiences as women composers, their opinions on the clarinet, and the following works:
Joan Tower – Fantasy, those harbor lights. . . ; Wings; Libby Larsen – Song Without Words; Dancing Solo
“The Operatic Bass Clarinet”
Do you want to learn more about the bass clarinet in opera, or are you looking for a resource to help your students learn about it? Click below!
“At the Crossroads of Music and Nationalism”
Alexandra Doyle reviews Rachel Moore’s Performing Propaganda: Musical Life and Culture in Paris During the First World War, from Volume 35 of the Music Research Forum.